


Silicone rubber is expected to become the largest amount of varieties of the rapid growth of consumption

With the great leap forward consumption growth, silicon rubber industry has begun to change from high performance special rubber for the bulk of synthetic rubber, and has become one of the largest varieties of dosage.

Estimated that by 2020, silicon rubber production is expected to reach 225~300 million tons, accounts for the proportion to the total rubber consumption is expected to reach 15~20. Then, China's rubber consumption structure will appear natural rubber, petroleum based synthetic rubber, silicone rubber a situation of tripartite confrontation situation.

It is expected that, by 2015, silicon rubber will occupy the domestic rubber consumption to 10% ~ 15%, namely silicon rubber consumption is expected to reach 1000000 ~ 1500000 tons, and to 2020, silicone rubber consumption accounted for the proportion is expected to reach 20% ~ 33%, namely silicon rubber consumption is expected to reach 3000000 ~ 5000000 tons.

In other words, the development potential and long-term development of silicone rubber industry are very attractive; its rapid development will have far-reaching effects on the upstream and downstream industry.


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